Certification system for the residential sector
The Romanian Council for Green Buildings (RoGBC) has created a certification for Green Housing at an affordable cost, but which includes all the essential aspects in evaluating and identifying on the market the best performing residential projects that use the principles of sustainable construction.
Download the RoGBC Green Homes & Green Mortgages guides for Residential Investors, Banks and Green Home Solution Providers, guides that explain in detail the program, criteria, benefits and costs, as well as a selection of certified and certification-certified projects. .
Soluția de finanțare preferențială pentru locuințe
Am dezvoltat un produs inovator de Ipotecă Verde care recompensează eficienÈ›a energetică È™i responsabilitatea față de mediu, oferă capital suplimentar pentru ca dezvoltatorul proiectului să investească mai devreme în soluÈ›ii ecologice esenÈ›iale È™i răsplăteÈ™te proprietarul cu case de calitate mai bună È™i costuri lunare mai mici.
Creditul Imobiliar Verde se aplica doar cladirilor certificate de RoGBC prin programul Locuinte Verzi
Ipoteca Verde oferă preÈ›uri ipotecare preferenÈ›iale celor care se califică, disponibile potenÈ›ialilor cumpărători interesaÈ›i în a cumpăra o casă sau un apartament ce fac obiectul recomandărilor stabilite de Romania Green Building Council relativ la eficienÈ›a energetică superioară È™i considerente de mediu.
Download the toolkits for each stakeholder involved
Brief information for potential buyers or homeowners:
The Green Mortgage program offers low-cost mortgages for potential home buyers interested in purchasing a home or apartment that falls within the guidelines set by the Romania Green Building Council in terms of superior energy efficiency and environmental considerations. See our Green Housing Guide for more details.
If you are interested in the possibilities of financing a green home, the Casa Ta Verde real estate loan from Raiffeisen Bank and the Alpha Green loan from Alpha Bank are products of this type available in Romania for Green Homes by RoGBC certified homes.